People Behind The Inventions Of Computer Generations.
1. First Generation Computers (vacuum tubes) - Vacuum tubes was invented by JOHN AMBROSE FLEMING.
2. Second Generation Computers (transistors) - Transistors was invented by WILLIAM SHOCKLEY, WALTER, HOUSER BRATTAIN, JOHN BARDEEN.
3.Third Generation Computers (integrated circuits) - Integrated circuits was invented by JACK KILBY, ROBERT NOYCE.
3.Third Generation Computers (integrated circuits) - Integrated circuits was invented by JACK KILBY, ROBERT NOYCE.
4.Fourth Generation Computers (microprocessors) - Microprocessors was invented by MARCIAN HOFF, MASATOSHI SHIMA, STANLEY MAZOR.
5. Fifth Generation Computers (artificial intelligence) - Artificial intelligence was invented by ALLEN NEWELL, J.C. SHAW, HERBERT A. SIMON.
5. Fifth Generation Computers (artificial intelligence) - Artificial intelligence was invented by ALLEN NEWELL, J.C. SHAW, HERBERT A. SIMON.
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